segunda-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2016

Auto-Consciência: Uma Onda de Luz Experimentando seus Proprios Atos.


A existência deste nosso mundo perceptível pode ser explicada como a passagem e atos de uma onda de luz, observando, experimentando, gozando ou sofrendo os efeitos amplificados de suas próprias forcas e propriedades. parece ate que a finalidade deste Universo esta sendo a de testar um protótipo.

Assim como cada embrião de qualquer especie que existiu nesta Terra foi um protótipo sendo testado e aperfeiçoado ate' chegar a presente forma de especie humana. Essa onda de luz primordial tem sido tratada cosmologicamente, da mesma manira que os embriões biológicos na Terra. Pois espaço e matéria nada mais seria que uma substancia etérea, inerte, eterna, senão fossem as vibrações e propriedades advindas desta onda de luz.

Nesta mesma linha de raciocinio estava Immanuel Kant quando concluiu:

" Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience of reality"

Do ponto de vista da Luz, ela não tem uma velocidade, pois não existe nenhum intervalo de tempo entre o seu ponto de origem e seu estado amplificado final. Ela e' absoluta. Para ela, ela não viaja através de um espaço e um tempo, estas coisas não existem. Para ela, o nosso mundo seria como um espelho menor que ela, refletindo a imagem dela mesma, porem, por ser menor que ela, reflete apenas partes dela a cada imagem. As imagens torcem, distorcem, a medida que ela se move na frente do espelho para ver partes do seu corpo. Estas imagens modificadas no espelho, cada qual refletindo uma parte do seu corpo, refletem o estado vibracional daquela parte e depois todos os estados se misturam, e estas misturas de imagens e' o que para nos, humanos, parece ser o mundo real. Na verdade, a nossa ralidade e' nossa consciência/luz vendo, gozando ou sofrendo os efeitos de sua própria atuação. Uma frequência vibratória produz uma imagem harmonica no espelho, então ela goza, aprecia, porque se sente bonita. Uma outra frequência vibratória produz uma imagem caótica no espelho, então ela sofre, se achando feia.

A Mudança para o Paradigma da Matrix/DNA Deve Apresentar Um Slide Com Este Quadro


Paradigm Shift ( Thomas Kuhn )

1-  The existing paradigm encounters an anomaly,
          ( an inexplicable observation)

2 - Initially the anomaly is ignored or rejected,

 ( Por exemplo, cai o teto da Igreja sobre as cabeças dos fieis quando o pastor estava dizendo que Deus estava ali pondo as palavras na boca dele. O povo continuara a crer no paradigma de um Deus onipresente, poderoso e protetor dos fieis. Ou então o projeto Genoma descobre que a crença do paradigma da biologia molecular de que cada doença tem um gene responsável não e' correta. Ou então quando novas imagens do Cosmos mostram que existem planetas vagando solitários longe de estrelas que estremece a Teoria Standard)

3 - People try to explain the anomaly within the existing paradigm,
     ( Dezenas de imagens vindas do Cosmos que não cabem no atual modelo produziram tantos remendos neste modelo que ele agora parece uma colcha de retalhos prestes a romper-se toda)

4 - A new paradigm is proposed in which the anomaly is resolved,

   ( Por exemplo quando a Matrix/DNA acena com o fato de que consciência aparece no feto aos 6 meses de gestação, mas já existia antes vinda dos pais, para corroborar a teoria de que no Universo esta ocorrendo um processo de reprodução genética, )

5 - The establishment rejects the new model, often ridicules its proponents,

     ( Como o Clero ridicularizou Copérnico e Galileu quando disseram que a Terra gira em seu próprio eixo e trouxeram o argumento de que se isto acontecesse as águas do oceano iriam todas para um lado, portanto era uma ideia estupide o que sugeria que os seus autores eram estúpidos)

6 - The new paradigm finally gains acceptance as it accounts for new observations.

Paradigm Shift ( por Arthur Schopenhauer)

- First, it is ridiculed,
- Second, it is opposed,
- Third, it is regarded as self-evident.

Max Plank:

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die.

E Einstein:

Um autor não tem a obrigação de provar que sua teoria e' correta, e sim apenas mostrar que ela faz sentido.

O MetaParadigm:

Sempre existiu um metaparadigma por traz de todos os ramos de paradigmas menores. Por exemplo, os metaparadigmas cristão e zen, para as culturas ocidental e oriental, por trás do paradigma da criação das especies. O atual e moderno MataParadigma reinante no meio acadêmico e' o paradigma dito cientifico baseado em duas premissas:

1- The real world is the material world,
2 - Space, time, and matter are primary.

The anomaly for the current metaparadigm is the author of this paradigm, consciousness itself.

- It can not be measured,
- But, it can not be doubted,
- It can not be explained. 

O Custo na Mudança Revolucionaria Entre Paradigmas:

Por exemplo, demorou 150 anos para o paradigma de 3.000 anos chamado de Sistema Heliocêntrico, cair  totalmente. Começou sua queda com Copérnico em 1543, reforçado por Galileo e Kepler em 1610, recebendo o golpe final com Newton em 1690.

Isto significa que um novo revolucionário paradigma - como pode ser a Matrix/DNA se ela estiver correta - pode demorar 150 anos para se firmar em definitivo, e depois que vários outros com maior status social venham a reforçarem o novo paradigma.

O fato e' que, quer vocês queiram ou não, existe um novo paradigma que revoluciona todos os outros que existiram ou existem na atualidade, ao qual ninguém conseguiu ainda desbancar porque ninguém trouxe evidencias ou um fato sequer capaz de desbanca-lo. Então o paradigma e' um paradigma valido, real, existe, e vocês não podem com ele, ao menos enquanto vocês tiverem o conhecimento limitado atual. 

O que isto significa:

Que enquanto o paradigma da Matrix/DNA não for desbancado, todas suas conclusões, hipóteses e teorias que se chocam com as conclusões, hipóteses e teorias deste paradigma, que sejam, auto-supressoras, não podem ser comunicadas como verdade cientifica, mas sim, apenas como teorias, ou modelos teóricos. Agir desta maneira e' desonesto e heresia contra a Ciência.

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2016

Teoria do Cerebro: Estado da Pesquisa pelo Redwood Neuroscience Institute


Sensorial Cortex Location

Hierarchical organization, feedback, and generative models

Sensory cortex appears to be arranged in a hierarchical fashion ( a hierarquia e' a sequencia da força do ciclo vital. O próprio ciclo vital também determina que haja uma sequencia de maior complexidade, assim como no caso do corpo humano, a criança e' mais complexa que o baby, o adolescente e' mais complexo que a criança, etc.)  with information flowing from low-level areas,( assim como na formula da Matrix/DNA, a informação tem inicio na base que e' F1, e sobe o circuito atingindo o topo em F4. No cérebro humano, F1 e' o hipocampo e F4 o cortex superior)  which are closely tied to direct sensory input, to higher-level areas ( F4 na formula), which are tied more to other cortical areas as opposed to sensory input. Neurons at lower-level areas tend to have small receptive fields (in terms of the area of the sensory epithelium they integrate over), are tuned to localized features of sensory input, and thus tend to rapidly fluctuate in their activity in response to time-varying sensory input. By contrast, neurons at higher-levels have large receptive fields, are tuned to more global, abstract properties of the sensory world (such as object identity), and are thus more invariant with respect to fluctuations in the raw sensory input. However, the question of what computations underlie this transformation, and what exactly is being represented at various stages of the hierarchy - especially higher-level areas - remains a mystery. ( os vários estágios dessa hierarquia são as partes mais elevadas transformadas das partes inferiores, assim como o corpo humano no ciclo vital. A evolução do cérebro seguiu essa sequencia.) 
Another ubiquitous property of cortical organization is the existence of feedback connections between levels of the hierarchy. That is, if a lower area A projects to higher area B, then area B usually projects back to A. However, what role these feedback connections play in information processing, and how they contribute to perception, is not well understood.( O cerebro foi montado em cima da formula da Matrix/DNA. Nesta, o fluxo tem inicio na ara baixa e retorna a esta area, duas vezes. Uma quando o circuito e' feito por inteiro, esférico, outra quando o fluxo chega em F4 e retorna como ramo lateral 'a base. No caso do cérebro humano me parece que o fluxo não passa de F4 para continuar esfericamente pelo HD, o que deixa este hemisfério fora dos raciocínios e percepções)
Our goal is to formulate a theoretical framework for hierarchical organization and feedback that takes into account the known neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, and which can provide specific, testable predictions regarding its function ( basta identificar qual glândula ou qual região se situa na formula que se tem a função de todas elas). One avenue we are pursuing that seems particularly promising is based on generative models - i.e., the idea that the cortex contains an internal model of the world ( vocês nem imagina o quanto! Mas devem haver duas camadas de "mundo", uma, e' a habitual praticada, referente ao mundo imediato, e outra ao mundo alem da vista e percepções, o qual esta inserido geneticamente nos neurônios. Mas tambem esta divisão pode ocorrer na divisão dos hemisférios, onde o HD seria o processador do mundo alem da percepção imediata).  and that it uses this model to infer the causes of sensory input (e.g., objects and their transformations). In this framework, the role of feedback is to carry the predictions of higher levels to lower levels so as to disambiguate representations at early stages of sensory processing. Perception thus depends on information circulating through cortico-cortical feedback loops in order to arrive at a mutually consistent explanation of sensory input. ( certo)

Meus posts no TED Talks:
Louis Morelli
Posted a few seconds ago
The research at Redwood Neuroscience Institute where Dr. Hawkins works is focused on three topics. First, about the hierarchical organization of the brain raises the questions of what is being represented at the various stages of this hierarchy knowing that it begins at the lower levels and goes to the high levels. When I put the brain upon the natural formula for systems - Matrix/DNA - it seems clear that this hierarchy is represented by "pieces" mimicking the common hierarchy that arises from any living body under the force of life's cycles. So, the flow begins at the hippocampus at lowest level which mimics the womb and gestational processes of reproduction. Then the flow goes clockwise up and the next element ( it can be a glandular) represents the first stage of life, like a baby. And so on till the flow going down back to the hippocampus that now works as a recycler stocking it as memory. The human problem is due life being only left-handed due to be created by a closed system ( this galaxy) then we are left-brainers which means that the flow does not surpass the corpus callosum for entering into the right hemisphere and drawing the perfect whole circuit as ordered by Matrix/DNA formula. So, when the flow of any thought or information process arrives to the upper element ( superior cortex, it is deviated falling down to the hippocampus again If you see the formula at my website you will understand it. The other focus is the feedback connections between levels of the hierarchy, how it works. But, again, the formula explains it very well. And the third focus is trying to build generative models believing that he cortex contains an internal model of the world. Again, since that the world as a natural system is modeled by he matrix/DNA formula, and the brain also, of course the brain contains an internal model of the world. But for understanding it is necessary to know the formula, and the Redwood Institute does not know or does not grasp its meaning, yet.

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2016

Desigualdades Capitalistas Numa Cidade Americana com Predominância De African-Americans e Imigrantes (Ilegais...)


Para começar, os alimentadores do capitalismo selvagem ja vão vir com o argumento de que são pobres e perdedores porque não querem trabalhar e estudar. Pois eles, os brancos e endinheirados trabalharam e estudaram. Argumento mentiroso, de alienados, sem o menor respaldo na realidade. E' mais um daqueles slogans falsos que a mente predadora humana cria na sua fantasia para se auto-justificar como predador engravatado, ou predadora perfumada. Venham começar a vida como eu comecei, roubado no meu direito ao meu pedaço de terra e sem as mafias das famílias aproveitando as brechas do sistema para criar mais oportunidades para meter a amo nos produtos dos trabalhos dos outros, oportunidades que precisam de mais gente e com isso, empregam os próprios familiares nas ocupações onde corre mais o dinheiro e tortura menos o corpo e o cérebro. Criam assim estabelecimentos capitalistas nos quais, os serviços brutos e rotineiros tem seque serem feitos por outros que não da família, por escravos que são produzidos nas condições de sem terras e famílias. Uma verdadeira rapinagem carnificinica.

Então vão ai' os dados ( fonte: www.   )

 - 22.7 percent of local residents own their homes,compared to 65,2 percent for New Jersey and 64.5 percent for the nation despite a decade of declines:

- Just 12.7 percent of Newarkers have a bachelor's degree, while 29,2 percent did not finish high school:

- Some 38 percent of local households have annual income under $ 25,000.

- Nationally,white families average nine times more "wealth", assets, than African-American families.

- About 4.2 percent of local homes were in foreclosure in December, according to the real-estate analytics firm CorelLogic. That's less than New Jersey's overall rate, but well above the 1.2 percent for the nation.

Como Funciona o Olfato: Explicação Nobel de Medicina


The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to Richard Axel and Linda Buck for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system. In a series of pioneering studies the laureates have clarified in molecular detail how our sense of smell works.
 odoursprize winners
Richard Axel
Born 1946
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University,
New York, USA.
Linda Buck
Born 1947
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
The vivid world of odours
The olfactory system is important for our quality of life. A unique odour can trigger distinct memories from our childhood or from emotional moments – positive or negative – later in life. When something tastes good it is mainly due to activation of the olfactory system.
To lose the sense of smell is a significant handicap; we no longer perceive the different qualities of food and we cannot detect warning signals, for example smoke from a fire.
The olfactory system
The olfactory epithelium contains millions of olfactory neurons, which send messages directly to the olfactory bulb of the brain.
The olfactory receptor cells are the only neurons in the nervous system exposed directly to the external environment.
olfactory system

A large family of odorant receptors
Richard Axel and Linda Buck published their fundamental paper in 1991, in which they described the genes coding for a large family of odorant receptors.
The odorant receptors are located on the olfactory receptor cells in the nasal cavity. Each olfactory receptor cell expresses only one type of odorant receptor, and each receptor can detect a limited number of odorant substances.

The olfactory receptor

Each            receptor consists of a protein chain that traverses the cell membrane seven times.

When an odorant substance attaches to an olfactory receptor, the shape of the receptor protein is altered, leading to a G protein activation.

An electric signal is triggered in the olfactory receptor neuron and sent to the brain via nerve processes.
Small variations
All odorant receptors are related proteins and differ only in some amino acid residues (indicated in green, blue and red).
The subtle differences in the protein chains explain why the receptors are triggered by different odorant molecules.


The organization of odorant receptor inputs in the olfactory cortex
Signals derived from two different odorant receptors, M5 and M50, are targeted to different, but partially overlapping clusters of cortical neurons.
These clusters have similar locations in the brains of different mice.


Receptor activation in the bulb
Receptor cells carrying the same type of receptor converge their processes on the same glomerulus.

Combinatorial receptor codes
The odorant receptor family is used in a combinatorial manner to detect odorants and encode their unique identities. Different odorants are detected by different combinations of receptors and thus have different receptor codes. These codes are translated by the brain into diverse odour perceptions.
The immense number of potential receptor combinations is the basis for our ability to distinguish and form memories of more than 10,000 different odorants.
Species differences
The area of the olfactory epithelium (red) in dogs is some forty times larger than in humans. Mice – the species Axel and Buck studied – have about one thousand different odorant receptor types.
Humans have a smaller number than mice; some of the genes have been lost during evolution. There are several millions of olfactory receptor cells in our olfactory epithelium.

Credits and References for the 2004 Nobel Poster for Physiology or Medicine
Scientific Advisers, Professors at Karolinska Institutet:Bertil Fredholm, Pharmacology
Sten Grillner, Neurophysiology
Göran K. Hansson, Medicine, Chair of the Nobel Committee
Hans Jörnvall - Physiological Chemistry, Secretary of the Nobel Assembly
Urban Lendahl, Genetics 

Illustrations and layout:
Annika Röhl, Bengt Gullbing
EyeQnet: P O Eriksson/Naturfotograferna, Dag Ekelund/Windh, Ina Agency Press AB
Medical Writer:
Anders Nystrand
Printed by:
Alfa Print AB, Stockholm, Sweden 2004

Copyright © 2004:
The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine
at Karolinska Institutet, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Web Adapted Version:

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2016

O Cabrito Politico: Finally, a Theory of the Brain, that Works! See th...

O Cabrito Politico: Finally, a Theory of the Brain, that Works! See th...: xxxx TED Talk How brain science will change computing

Finally, a Theory of the Brain, that Works! See the Comments at This Video of TED Talk


TED Talk

How brain science will change computing

Computer designer, brain researcher

Louis Morelli
Posted Feb - 25 - 2016
Yes, Dr. Hawkins, we have the entire framework and the final theory of the brain. I challenge you to point out a single real fact ( a natural phenomena) that could debunking this theory. Since that the brain is a system in itself, the enough framework need to be the drawing, the picture, of the entire systemic circuit and its parts, that makes this system working, and we have this circuit at hands. You don~t know it yet because, despite you being the most able to get it than me, you have been in the wrong place and I am at the right place.
We have the natural formula that Nature - as the Universe - has been applied for modeling, building, from a inertial space substance, all natural systems - from atoms, to galaxies, to cells, to brains. And when you bring on this formula designed on a paper~s sheet, upon the table, and bring on the same design of a human brain, putting it upon the formula... it is fantastic... everything fits and the system works beautiful, scientifically rational.
But, you are pre-programmed in the way that you don't want the right theory, like the masters of all universities and owners of the human knowledge at 1500 didn't want the right theory of the solar system. They didn't want to see the Copernicus drawings, avoiding to pay attention to Copernicus' formula. They were going to loose a lot of status and power if they accepted it. But you now is against the wall: do you really love brains and want the thru, or do you want to keep the wrong paradigma were you was indoctrinated...
We have the framework of a perfect human brain. Making comparisons with real ill brains, we can see the points were the flow of synapses are wrong, and we can looking for methods to fix it.
The human brain is not totally developed yet. We can see it in its natural formula. It will requires changes in its internal configurations. ( cont.)

Posted Feb - 25 - 2016
(cont.) The human brain is not totally developed yet. We can see it in its natural formula. It will requires changes in its internal configurations. Like the changes that occurs upon a fetus for becoming an embryo, and then, a complete baby. But we can accelerate this process, our knowledge being the right catalyst. I am at the right place where we can grasp how to do it.
This place is the nude natural world covered by this living biosphere that was the primitive ancestor, the first template, that produced from itself the human brain - the Amazon jungle. But I don't have access to lab tools for accelerating the evolutionary process. You are at the wrong place, far away from the real creator of the human brain, in an artificial world. But you have the access to the lab tools. If we joining together, Humanity will sing happy this event.
Please. go to my website, having a first glance about the issue, but don't make judgement by now, because the theory of the brain is not there yet and you will not understand a little bit of the whole thing. The formula seems too much uncomfortable simple, but, a high complexity is encrypted in it like it happens with the DNA. I am opened for exposing it. For yours sake, I am an American citizen. By the way, very thanks for your great work, if didn't have people like you I never could grasp the pathway that this biosphere evolved into a human brain.

E meu comentario postado no Facebook:

Este e' um dos mais importantes assuntos hoje em dia. O conhecimento desvendando os mistérios do cérebro humano e revelando profundamente o que somos, de onde viemos, o que estamos fazendo aqui! Assista este video ( procure nos captions, esta legendado e em português, e leia o transcript), leia meu comentário postado nele (em breve vou traduzi-lo e publica-lo aqui), mas em seguida veja o complemento disso, o video da Dra. Jill Bolte ( legendado e em português), procure aqui neste Facebook o post com o link para o video da Dra. Jill expondo sua experiencia 'a beira da morte - se não achar o kink aqui, vá ao O Cabrito Politico. Mas leia ali meu comentário postado, para ir entendendo o assunto. Nossas atuais mazelas e debilidades perante este mundo material se deve a que estamos com nosso cérebro configurando erroneamente nossos neurônios e com isso todos nossos pensamentos não passam de meios pensamentos, não se completam porque não estão conseguindo abarcar a totalidade do mundo externo a nos. Com meios pensamentos nos continuaremos sendo apenas meio-inteligentes, acabando com o mundo que dependemos dele.. Mas sabendo disso e conhecendo a causa do problema, que acabamos de descobrir, vamos corrigir isso! Porem, você tem que fazer sua parte, pois você e' o cérebro, você e' o super-organismo coletivo que esta' pensando todos os pensamentos da humanidade mas não o sabes porque ainda estas no estado embrionário. Tens que nos ajudar ajudando a ti, forçando seu/nosso nascimento! De nada adiantara' continuando a rodares em círculos, senão pegares o caminho certo. Tudo o que estas fazendo para melhorar esta vida errada esta' piorando a qualidade da sua vida. 

Veja como o conhecimento cientifico atual ainda esta muito atrasado, sem uma teoria eficiente sobre o cérebro humano que reúna e forneça o entendimento a toda essa massa de dados que coletaram ate' agora, para saber-mos aproveitar o grande potencial que temos dentro de nos e resolver estes obstáculos ridículos 'a nossas vidas. . E' um dos mais habilitados cientistas confessando que não entendem ainda o cérebro. Mas isto esta acontecendo porque eles vieram por um caminho errado, estão no lugar errado, acreditando em coisas erradas, como por exemplo que a mente e' mero produto do cérebro que seria mero produto do acaso. na selva amazônica eu consegui entender como a biosfera terrestre se evoluiu ate chegar a forma do cérebro humano hoje, eu consegui a teoria que esta faltando a eles, para dar-mos um arranque final. e acabar com esta estupida condição de vida absurda que estamos tendo. E' tudo muito simples de entender depois que você fizer o sacrifício inicial apenas de empregar um pouco do seu tempo estudando a matéria, sem se esquentar se estas entendendo ou não... a coisa vira fácil depois. Pois e' seu cérebro se identificando consigo mesmo, se conhecendo a si mesmo e ao mundo de seu criador. O fluxo de energia/informações de cada um de seus pensamentos esta sendo barrado, interrompido, a meio-caminho, e dai retornando ao seu principio, ao invés de percorrer o caminho completo e se tornar a perfeita inteligencia. Agora descobrimos isto e agora saberemos o que temos a fazer para consertar isto, para liberar o embrião ao seu nascimento real. procure de qualquer maneira investir algum tempo nisso, do contrario você e seus descendentes continuarão indo a lugar nenhum, rodando em círculos.

Som Imprimindo Frequências na Água, Repetindo Padrao de Imagens, Como A Luz na Dark Matter


Video muito bom para ser usando em palestras sobre a luz imprimindo código e padrões na matéria.

Diferentes sons sao medidos por Hertz. Existe uma controversia entre os sons de 432 Hertz e 440 hertz, dizendo-se que o primeiro e' espiritual e faz bem 'a saude, enquanto o 440 suscita a agressividade e faz mal a saude.

Sera uma diferença entre a frequência implantadora da ordem e a do caos...

No link para Youtube abaixo se vê os padrões ( como mandalas) que o 432 H imprime numa gota de água.  Estas cenas são muito parecidas com as sugeridas pela Matrix/DNA de como as ondas de luz construíram os primeiros sistemas naturais, imprimindo seu código na substancia espacial inerte.

A = 432 Hertz Cymatics

Existe um website sobre o Cymascope, um aparelho inventado para captar estas impressões nas substancias:

Meu comentario postado no Youtube:
Louis Charles Morelli 
Louis Charles Morelli - Feb - 24 2016
Joining the musicians researchers and the Matrix/DNA Theory researchers, we get initially interesting conclusions and hypothesis. Original and natural waves of light/radiations from a pulsating universe constantly emitting Big Bangs imprints the code for building natural systems upon the space's inertial substance, which can be called dark matter, ether, etc... is the suggestion from Matrix/DNA models and formulas. ( which can be seen at ) This light's code is a kind of software algorithmic formula that appears like a mandala, with the difference that each mandala's flower has its specific shape and systemic function. Matrix/DNA is suggesting that 432 Hz is the frequency that imprints order upon matter, while 440 Hz must be the frequency of entropic decay that imprints chaos. Then we have some questions to musicians: 1) Have you experienced to emit all frequencies at same time upon water, or other substance... If so, which image did you get... By our theory the result must be the complete Matrix formula 2) We don't have studied the essence of sound waves. I think that sound is in the ear of the listener, not in matter or the external world, like the colors of white light is in the observer's eyes. Is it right...or wrong... 3) Sound could be the liberation, the freedom, of stocked energy ( in shape of photons, maybe) in hard solid bodies when violent hit. Our eyes can not see the emitted waves, but our ear ( maybe with the help of the antenna, pineal gland) can get it but translate it into sounds. Is it right...or wrong... Thanks by any answer.

Interessante o post abaixo:

I had an experience akin to a Near Death Experience last year. A lot of scientific information just 'came to me. It has inspired me to create a series based on the research I've been doing ever since. Basically the core message was "Everything is an infinite range of frequencies and vibrations." and then very significantly "Music is the key. It is possible for music to heal ANYTHING." I felt the words with such truth during the experience that I've been researching sound healing ever since :)

quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016

Matrix Cultural dos Predadores: Leitura Antes de Escrever/Falar o Topico


Muito bom para mostrar o mecanismo genético que sofre mutação modelada pela cultura quando ela modifica o meio-ambiente, etc. Neste artigo do Bhalla tem links para muitos desdobramentos do assunto ( como e' o segundo titulo abaixo), os quais devem ser clicados e lidos.

Words Are Thinking Tools

Kahneman’s Mind Clarifying Work: How Mysterious Coinages Can Help

Matematica: Forma Academica de Expor ^ A Perniciosa Influencia da Matematica nas Ciencias^


PDF escrito neste assunto, ver e digitar o titulo no Google para ver as criticas


J. SCHWARTZ n'.>z Yovk U;,iversity, News York, ., w Fork. U.S.A

Livro a Ler: DNA Como Software Matematico


Proving Darwin: Making Biology Mathematical 

Kindle Edition

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2016

Associação dos Moradores de...( sua cidade) Para Defender e Boicotar Estabelecimentos Comerciais


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Em que levantei pensando hoje...

Numa das causas de haver bilhões de crianças crescendo na miséria, sem dentes, um sapatinho novo para ficar alegre neste domingo. Tantos adultos e jovens que terão mais uma segunda-feira perdida e torturada como empregados de outros humanos, tantas mãos algemadas, tantos sonhos ceifados... e tudo isso devido ao fato que fomos nos mesmos que criamos e continuamos concordando, alimentando, engordando, este sistema social porco, planejado pelos predadores humanos. Pensei nesta causa e como e' minha obrigação como um humano transcendente e não meramente mais um humano-mero macaco melhorado, tive que buscar uma maneira de elimina-la e a seguir vai a solução que encontrei, já publicada no meu blog e que vai ser mais uma das minhas atividades no Brasil:


Associação dos Moradores de...( sua cidade) Para Defender e Boicotar Estabelecimentos Comerciais

Para você começar a consertar este mundo, uma das coisas urgentes a ser feita e' impedir que pessoas não-residentes em sua cidade se estabeleçam com comercio... e mais para a frente, com financeiras, bancos, etc.

Apenas residentes na sua cidade podem montar negócios, comércios, na cidade. E assim mesmo, para os recém-chegados 'a cidade, deve ser feito uma investigação e uma votação publica de permissão. Comercio nada produz, e' um elemento intermediário parasita da energia do trabalho humano, portanto a intenção futura desta atitude e' que todos os produtos sejam distribuídos em cooperativas onde os sócios são todos e apenas os moradores com cotas iguais, nem mesmo os governos podem ser outros sócios. E visa eliminar todos os males que agora estão sendo praticados aos humanos por estas grandes redes mafiosas, como os Walton do Walmart, os Diniz do Pao de Açúcar, como corrupção de governos, pressão para mão de obra escrava e barata, desperdício gigantesco de mercadorias, produção gigantesca de lixo não reciclável, etc.

Ah... mas isso e' impossível. As leis... Mande para o inferno estas leis. Você não precisa delas, você não vai desacata-las. Simplesmente nem você nem um morador da cidade vai entrar nestes estabelecimentos.

Ah, mas os preços de m Walmart são muito mais baixos do que os preços de supermercados de moradores da cidade. Puro engano. Para a cidade o preço dos estrangeiros e' mil vezes mais caro. Se o lucro comercial de um produto consumido na cidade fica na cidade, não houve sequer preço. Se o lucro individual de m comercio vai para o bolso de um morador da cidade, muito provavelmente uma boa part ou talvez todo o lucro retorna para os moradores da cidade, enquanto quando vai par o bolso de um estrangeiro, "NUNCA" volta para os moradores da cidade.

Ah... ms eu sou um comerciante, e não vou querer o fim do comercio privado. Nenhum problema. So me responda o que você faz para cumprir a maldição natural que cai sobre cada humano ao nascer de não ter os produtos caindo gratuitamente do céu mas sim ter que arregaçar as mangas e suar o corpo para produzi-los. Se você não esta transferindo a sua carga para as costas de outros humanos, nada tenho contra você também ser comerciante.

Se um comercio comercio vai deixar seu dono rico, se pertencer a um morador da cidade este rico e este dinheiro estará próximo a ti. O que ele construir sera' na cidade, para beneficia-la, inclusive dando emprego a construtores da cidade etc. Se pertencer a um estrangeiro, este rico vai sugar levar este dinheiro para gastar longe de ti.

Então o que estas esperando... Lance agora da boca para fora a Associação dos Moradores de...(Sua Cidade) Para Defender e Boicotar Estabelecimentos Comerciais. Crie uma pagina no Facebook, tente fazer e imprimir panfletos, quando estiveres nas rodas e conversas com pessoas chame-as para falar destes assuntos.

Não vai dar em nada... Ora, já deu, você agiu e mostrou, para si mesmo sua consciência, que es um humano correto, ativo e não corruptor em conluio com esta quadrilha de predadores humanos escravagista que fez estas ^"leis".Você mostrou mesmo que seja apenas para si mesmo que nasceu para ser soberano de sua mente e mais um beneficiário para a maioria dos humanos, que não e' mais um trouxa que caiu no conto desta matrix cultural de 5.000 anos e não herdou os instintos animalescos nem de predador, nem de presa.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016

Reprodução das Plantas e a Incrível Semelhança com a Reproducao dos Astros Celestes


E' incrível como o microcosmo imita o macrocosmo e vice-versa! Todos os detalhes deste processo na produção de uma semente e' exatamente o mesmo processo na produção de um astro celeste.

A Humanidade muito tem perdido por ainda ignorar as causas e significados das coisas produzidas pela Natureza. Como a matéria bruta deste planeta produziu esta extraordinária engenharia da reprodução! De onde a Natureza tirou a ideia para fazer isto!

Simples. Existe uma formula construindo sistemas naturais que vem desde o Big Bang e chega na Terra produzindo a vida biológica. Onde ela chega ela constrói um corpo em que se encarnar, com os materiais e condições disponíveis no local e no tempo. Como ela funciona como um sistema completo, todos os processos internos são repetidos e para isso ela modela a massa do lugar quase sempre nas mesmas formas, para se encaixarem nos processos.

Por isso a forma de uma arvore imita a forma de uma galaxia; o tronco da arvore e' o buraco negro como eixo central no núcleo da galaxia; os galhos imitam os bracos espirais as folhas imitam os planetas, os frutos, geralmente também amarelos, imitam as estrelas. Assim como no céu as estrelas estão penduradas nos galhos das galaxias, aqui os frutos estão pendurados nos galhos das filhas da galaxia, as arvores. O fluxo de energia na galaxia e' idêntico ao fluxo da seiva na arvore. Destes dois fluxos evoluiu a corrente sanguínea no corpo dos animais, cujos corpos também são uma imitação mais complexa.

E' incrível que apenas um humano em toda a historia da Humanidade descobriu isso e sabe disso! Este pessoal ensinando e estudando biologia apenas constatam o processo, decoram-no, mas nunca sabem causas das origens e nem os significados universais do que estão vendo. Por isso estamos fazendo tantas coisas erradas na Natureza e nos nossos sistemas sociais. Por isso ainda somos torturados por simples virus e as doenças mortais milenares continuam sem serem eliminadas. Eu simplesmente não sei como transmitir este conhecimento, desde que ele foi obtido isoladamente no meio da selva amazônica e ate' hoje continuo isolado do meio cientifico e intelectual. Não adianta mencionar trechos deste conhecimento pois ele e' tao diferente de tudo que a Humanidade ouviu ate agora que ninguém entende nada, e' preciso apresentar a coisa na foma de um longo seminário. Ou fazer um livro, para o qual não tenho condições.

Fiquem admirando o video do processo da reprodução das plantas, mas porque não entendem o significado supremo do processo, ele gera interpretações equivocadas sobre o mundo e sua natureza, e por isso estamos fazendo tudo errado!

My Stroke Insight e a Dra. Jill: Explicações pela Matrix/DNA


Meus comentários postados no video do TED:

Louis Morelli 
Posted at Feb/18/2016

It is fantastic how Dr. Jill is confirming two predictions from my merely rational research method: a) the universal radioactive light wave as the source and the code for life, and b) the Gaia's super-organism. So, if you want to understanding these phenomena seen by Dr. Jill  through out  humans' language and experiences, it is better that you follow a world view that is getting more success. These phenomena from a hidden dimension can be translated into formulas and models that we can grasp for linking them with our everyday dimension.  See these models at  'The Universal Matrix for Natural Systems and Life's Cycles ', theory.

Dr. Jill saw te world with a more free state of consciousness - which is merely another evolutionary shape of an universal natural system made off by the Matrix/DNA Universal formula at the sixth state of matter. It happens that the creator of the first natural system was a radioactive light wave working as the force of life's cycle (see the formula at Matrix/DNA Theory). So, since that consciousness is the sixty state, next to the return to its creator, the lighter world saw by Dr. Jill is merely the real world of her as an embryo of consciousness. She was not seeing 'light', but the effect seen at a electromagnetic spectrum resulting from the seven states of radiation, which has the same sequence of frequencies/vibrations that has a human body through its lifetime (see the model of this spectrum at Matrix/DNA Theory).

But, when Dr. Jill felt herself as the expansive energy, she didn't reach the size of the ex-universe source. She reached the state of the cloud of collective sub-consciousness that surrounds this planet - the Humanity as a unique super-organism, still at embrionary shape.

A question I would have to Dr.Jill is: if she noticed or felt the presence of another life form at that lighter dimension...  If so, she reached the world/planet where are going all planetary produced super-intelligent aliens, as super-organisms.


E em resposta a outro comentarista: 

Jipu Wang
Posted  Feb 

I cannot recall how many times I have viewed this and am not able to tell how many time I'm going to come back and watch it again and again. This is superb! Salute to scientists like Dr. Taylor! Thank you for bringing this to us all. This TED talk should be heard by more!!!
Louis Morelli

Posted at feb/18/2016

Exactly! In the search for a meaning to our existence, bombarded by these religious and/or materialist world views that makes no sense facing the real world of our experiences and intuitions, sometimes we do a pause in our life as survivors and go back to this video, because it has something that is escaping from us. It suggests the existence of something that is being faithful denied by the scholar academic staff.

There is here, at TED videos, a scientist neurologist saying that there is no mind, and our thoughts are merely products of our biological brain, which will die together. It is the normal at the modern academic world - leaded by the scientists working with neurology - teaching the students this materialist and reductive paradigma. Not as their theory, but as the scientific proved fact.

I would like to see the explanations from these scientists about the Dr. Jill experience. I think that they would say that Dr. Jill was merely returning to its birth when she came to light....  It is possible, I agree, but, it is another theory and if they want to 'believe', with faith in a theory, they are not behaving as scientists, and they should not tell to the students and the public that Science aproves it.

By the way, I also will come back to Dr. Jill till the last day of my life ( pass me the popcorn, I will pass you the beer) . It can be a dreaming world, but it is good for the healthy of my mind keeping it opened to an expansive list of possibilities.  Maybe we are not merely an optimized monkey - as these people that got the control of our public schools wants us to believe.


 I am the life-force power of the universe. I am the life-force power of the 50 trillion beautiful molecular geniuses that make up my form, at one with all that is. Or, I can choose to step into the consciousness of my left hemisphere, where I become a single individual, a solid. Separate from the flow, separate from you. I am Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor: intellectual, neuroanatomist. These are the "we" inside of me.
            And if I have found Nirvana and I'm still alive, then everyone who is alive can find Nirvana." And I pictured a world filled with beautiful, peaceful, compassionate, loving people who knew that they could come to this space at any time. And that they could purposely choose to step to the right of their left hemispheres -- and find this peace.
           And we have the power to choose, moment by moment, who and how we want to be in the world.
           These are the "we" inside of me. Which would you choose? Which do you choose? And when? I believe that the more time we spend choosing to run the deep inner-peace circuitry of our right hemispheres, the more peace we will project into the world, and the more peaceful our planet will be. 

Romain gtx
Posted 11 days ago

I think that I lived the experience of J.B. Taylor without having a stroke but in a less intense way. One evening, I relaxed by taking long inspirations and expirations for a while and suddenly, I felt connected to the world as if there was not difference anymore between me and the world, as if there was just a unity. I was very surprized. It was a revelation that I was a part of the world, which generated with me in the same time a feeling of peace. I had the feeling that I was not alone and I had never been alone. This experience took place in my most private intimacy and was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.
I recognize a lot of my experience in the words of Professor J. B. Taylor about the right hemisphere. I lived this experience during a sort of exercise of relaxation. Did someone live an experience like this without physical complication ? Thanks for your testimony.
Every living organism possesses only one exemplar of consciousness. The right and left hemispheres are for one consciousness functioning in different states.
Jeff Axline
Posted 4 months ago
I loved this amazing talk up until the point of "Which one do you choose?" I had to let that go. It sounded like she was not just making a point but that she meant it literally. I'll definitely be passing this on to others.
Most people does not understand what Dr.Jill says about "we can choose", since they know, they can't choose. They doesn't know that the choice is to choose between to be an opened system or a closed system, separated from the whole and closing the doors to evolution. We know that we can't spend choosing to run the deep inner-peace circuitry of our right hemispheres, But, evolutionary history is suggesting that yes, we can choose, or better, our ancestors made this choice before, and they chosen the left side, the field of closed systems. 
Our brain has a systemic circuity that begins at the hippocampus, goes to the left side by clockwise direction and arrives to the superior cortex at the high top of the brain,drawing a half-moon. So, each thought that we have, runs inside this circuit and it works like a living thing. In a natural perfect system, when the flow arrives to the high top, it is divided into two flows. One flow continues normally drawing the another right half-moon till arriving back at the hippocampus. The second flow goes straight down towards the hippocampus, drawing a meridian in the brain, which generates the corpus callosum. This flow is responsible for the reproduction, self-recycling of the system, creating the perpetuation of systems' species, or connecting ^living^ thoughts, creating the continuous thought that is the serial state of consciousnesses. If you see the universal formula that Nature has used for organizing matter into working systems, you will understand everything.
So, our ancestors choose to 'kill' the right flow. Our thoughts does not go beyond the left side of the cortex, they go beck tho its birth, or source, where they are self-recycled or they die.This was a "evolution-stop" of our brain's sensors also. But, which ancestors and why they did it... this wrong choice... 
A perfect closed natural system is a kind of paradise for the identity of that system living in it. Its body is its paradise. If you see the picture of this body, you understand why. And we, in the shape of ours primitive ancestors, we did it. But this kind of systems has a big problem: they closes its doors to its own evolution, since they becomes separated from the whole. And the universal nature does not permit the existence of such a system, attacking it with the force of entropy, which causes degeneration and death. Or it falls returning back to a point that can be an opened system again. So, here we are now. You know that life is left-handed and now you can know why... so, why we are also left-brained.
We inherited the selfish genes from these ancestors' closed selfish systems, these genes keeps the left-brained and these genes are driven us back again to be a closed system, as the Brave New World under the Big Brother, a perfect biospherical machine, totally stupid. Or we can listening to Dr. Jill making the effort to believe that her visions are the real world and doing the right impersonal, not left-biased research in Nature, as I did in Amazon jungle by seven years and discovering this whole universal evolutionary history. Doing that, naturally, our left flow will hit strong the left cortex, each time more and more stronger, till braking the barrier that our ancestors created... and we will see, normally, what Dr. Jill saw, but, most important, our consciousness will be free again and our power will be great.

But, in the biological brain ( since the first forms of life), does not works the perfect entire spherical flow of energy/information. The whole circuit arrives to the top cortex and goes straight back to the hypocampus. The right half face of the system is like died. It is a result of life being left-handed molecules, but, before that, is the result that this galactic system that created life here is a closed system, which means, isolated from the whole, individualist, selfsheness. from this creator we inherited the selfish gene and the dominance of left hemisphere of the systemic circuit. 
When the system is opened, it is opened to entropy, which is stae of the flow at the right side, the degeration, but not death. It is the opening to be a whole with the Universe and degeneration is a necessary step for transformation by mutation, opened to its evolution. A closed system self-recycles eternally closingits doors to ecovlution. 
So, yes, we choose to be the left side, an idivual separated from the whole, but we did  it when counciosness was merely a kind of blastula, and the body of our ancestors were astronomical. We was like this galaxy. Universal entropy made us to fall here as biological system, we were made by the galactic genes, called photons. Our ancestors were believing that they was creating an eternal paradise for them, but really is is the hell, so, we were free of tha hell an as biological, we are opened system to evolution again.   
This evolutionary history emerges when we discover that the code for life is not merely imprinted in this biological DNA.That it is coming since the Big Bang changing shapes and states, passing through atoms, galaxies and arriving to human beings. This code is a systemic circuitry containing a flow of energy/information that spreads as light waves giving dynamics to the inertial space substance ( dark matter). The seven sequences of frequencies/vibrations of these light waves composes the force that gives life when organizes matter into working systems, like a human body, a galaxy, an atom, etc.
About 4 billion years ago, our primitive ancestors choose to be a closed system in itself. In that time they were like an astronomic system and consciousness was still in blástula shape, merely at potential state. As a system created by this "light wave" Matrix/DNA formula they choose to link the beginning to the end of the circuitry becoming eternal, self-recycling. They became a perfect machine, a kind of perpetual motor,  a body that was a real paradise for them as hermaphrodite beings. This is just the shape of the originals first galaxies, as you csn see the model pictured at Matrix/DNA Theory. 

Louis Morelli
Posted 3 months ago
That's fantastic coming from a scientist, but Physics, Biologists, atheists, Mathematicians, should understand how this "illusionary stroke's produced picture of the world" can be real and added to our picture made off "the scientific empiricist knowledge", if we know the final results from the pure materialistic rationalism applied to the whole scientific data we have today trying to get the bigger picture - a rational theory. What's this " light", his "energy", this " Nirvana sensation"? How they interacts, how they relates, to our sensorial world, described by Newtonian mechanics and mathematics equations? The results of such method were:
1) Biological systems, as cells, human brains,etc. are merely evolution from non-living systems, as atoms, galaxies, etc;
2) So, there is an evolutionary link between cosmological evolution and biological evolution, which makes a unique universal system under evolution through 13,7 billion years. Then, there was no "origins of life", no abiogenesis by chance, etc.
3) Like cells and all living beings has as blueprint, the DNA, this blueprint ( in primitive shape and substances) is present also in astronomical and atomic systems. So, instead DNA we call it universal Matrix/DNA. It is the building block of all natural systems, does not matter sizes, ages, etc.
4 ) The Matrix/DNA has organized matter into atomic and astronomical working systems by applying the force of life's cycle on a unique initial body, and from it, made the another bodies/shapes/functions for creating a complete working system. But, where this Matrix came from? What is the difference with ordinary matter?
5) We find the answer when discovering that the life's cycle force is merely the waves of light that are produced from magnetic radiations, like gamma rays, radio,etc. The real surprise thing is: they are not produced by radiation, they walks in parallel to these radiations linked by an energy obtained from the friction between the two sides. ( cont..)
Louis Morelli
Posted 3 months ago
( cont. from post above) So, our supposed explanation is that since the Big Bang - or before it - there are these light waves - which is the Matrix/DNA - expanding and penetrating a kind of dark matter, or space's substance. The light wave works in parallel - there is no past and future, only present - and its produced energy plus dark matter works in series, creating time. When this two dichotomic reality build human brains, from space's substance, they are walking together through the brain, but the left side, which represents space substance plus that created " energy" is dominant, while the light at the right side is recessive. So, this universe is like the placenta occurring a merely natural process of genetic reproduction of the unknown ex-machine system that triggered the Big Bang. And as material bodies we are the genes working this process right now and here. If you like it, see Matrix/DNA Theory and its new models of atomic, astronomical systems and interpretation of light waves. From this rational and naturalist world view, I can understanding and accepting everything that Dr Jill said, even that I don't like when she says words like spirit, nirvana, etc., because in my world view, these things have scientific names, like genes, friction bridges as energy, etc.
Why the left hemisphere is serial processing and the right is parallel processing and why consciousness lays on the right?
The working system is composed by a spherical circuit where flows the flux (or stream) of informations about the system and it irradiates light. Observing the running of the point of light we see the system arising by series, while observing this flux at right speed we see the point of light as a continuous line of light representing the whole system at the same time, which is the parallel processing. The whole circuit emits the " the identity of the system", This identity is the ruler, the consciousness of the system. Everything as Dr. Jill had interpreted her experience.
Ultimo comentario publicado
Louis Morelli
Posted a few seconds ago
Most people does not understand what Dr.Jill says about "we can choose", since they know, they can't choose. They doesn't know that the choice is to choose between to be an opened system or a closed system, separated from the whole and closing the doors to evolution. We know that we can't spend choosing to run the deep inner-peace circuitry of our right hemispheres, But, evolutionary history is suggesting that yes, we can choose, or better, our ancestors made this choice before, and they chosen the left side, the field of closed systems. But we can fix this mistake.
Our brain has a systemic circuity that begins at the hippocampus, goes to the left side by clockwise direction and arrives to the superior cortex at the high top of the brain, drawing a half-moon. So, each thought that we have, runs inside this circuit and it works like a living thing. In a natural perfect system, when the flow arrives to the high top, it is divided into two flows ( you can see the picture of such system at my website). One flow continues normally drawing the another right half-moon till arriving back at the hippocampus. The second flow goes straight down towards the hippocampus, drawing a meridian in the brain, which generates the corpus callosum. This flow is responsible for the reproduction, self-recycling of the system, creating the perpetuation of systems' species, or connecting 'living' thoughts, creating the continuous thought that is the serial state of consciousnesses.
So, our ancestors choose to 'kill' the right flow. Our thoughts does not go beyond the left side of the cortex, they go back to its birth, or source, where they are self-recycled or they die.This was a "evolution-stop" of our brain's sensors also. But, which ancestors and why they did it... this wrong choice... A perfect closed natural system is a kind of paradise for the identity of that system living in it. Its body is its paradise. If you see the picture of this body, you understand why. (cont)
Louis Morelli
Posted at Feb/ 21 / 2016 
And we, in the shape of ours primitive ancestors, we got this body. But this kind of systems has a big problem: they closes its doors to its own evolution, since they becomes separated from the whole. And the universal nature does not permit the existence of such a system, attacking it with the force of entropy, which causes degeneration and death.
Or it falls returning back to a point that can be an opened system again, returning to evolution. So, here we are now. You know that life is molecular left-handed and now you can know why it produced a left-brained.
We inherited the selfish genes from these ancestors' closed selfish systems, these genes keeps the left-brained and these genes are driven us back again to be a closed system, as the Brave New World under the Big Brother, a perfect biospherical machine, totally stupid. Or we can listening to Dr. Jill making the effort to believe that her visions are the real world and doing the right impersonal, not left-biased research in Nature, as I did in Amazon jungle by seven years and discovering this whole universal evolutionary history. Doing that, naturally, our left flow will hit strong the left cortex, each time more and more stronger, till breaking the barrier that our ancestors created... invading the right side and we will see, normally, what Dr. Jill saw. But, most important, our consciousness will be free again and our power will be great.
This evolutionary history is registered in our DNA's memories and a certain state of consciousness can make the scenes of these ancestors times coming to mind as quick flashes, mixing them with the scenes saw by Dr. Jill. Since 5.000 years ago, people like Schimeon ben Jochai, I Ching, The authors of The Geneses in a book called Biblia saw these scenes in chaotic flashes and invented the bigger religions. Only after knowing the DNA, the galaxies, etc. we could see those mistakes and learning that is all about natural universal history.