Study: Maybe we can’t find aliens because they’ve all died already
As 7 diferentes dimensions causariam 7 tipos de seres inteligentes vivendo no mesmo espaço mas separados por dnsidade da substancia espaicial e difernctes dominancias de frequencias da luz.
Climate chamge: corpos/sistemas de primeira geracao tendo suas mudancas ambientais mais rapidas que os d segunda geracao.
lifeforms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable
nao. pode ter intleignetes natural systems feitos com outros materiais para os quais talvez carbono ou agua sejam vnenos mortais
our life-hunting robots and astronauts will have to look for fossilized microbes of the most primitive sort
mas sem o conhecimento da formula da Matrix/DNA para sistemas naturais, inteligentes ou nao, estarao procurando por "vida" tal como a conhecemos. Oa se estivessem programados para encontrar vida ( dimanicos corpos/sistemas naturais) ja teriam soado os alarmes ao se depararem com atomos e astros pois estes sao sistemas sao " vivos", obviamente nao inteligentes.
It's possible that Earth won some kind of massive cosmic lottery, and that we're the only life ever to have evolved in the whole wide universe.
As sugestoes da Matrix/DNA sao absurdas? Pois pessoas estao considerando sugestoes mais absurdas ainda como esta.
Segredo para uma vida inteligente evitar a auto-destruicao?
Quando um sistema natual alcanca o nivel evolutivoquecomeca a apresentar aut-conciencia, signfica quegenes universais que estavam inertes comecam a se expressarem. Este Universo e' uma espece deplacent onde esta ocorrendo um processo se reproducao do sistema desconhecido que gerou este universo, que deflagrou o ato fecundador chamad0 de Big bang. Se aqui esta emergindo a auto-consciencia, ito significa que aqule sistema possui esta propeiredade, e que os humnos sao genes construindoum sistema auto-consciente. Mas como estamos no inicio, a auto-consciencia aqui nem mesmo abriu seus olhos proprios para ver seu corpo, significa que estamos na fase da consciencia fetal ou emrionaria. Pode ocorrer aborto, quando os genes deixam de se expressarem aqui e agora, para se expressarem mais tarde. Ou pode ocorrer desvios de anatomia, por exemplo, se entrar-mos no Brave New World sob o Big Brother, no qual a robotizacao do humano interompe, aprisiona e desaticva o desenvolvimento do feto. O sefgredo e' conhercer-mos os prerigos no caminho para saber manter a mente livre sob desenolvimento e este conhecimento e' possivel pela Matrix/DNA Theory.
Para vencer o periodo que esta por vir nos temos que agora combarter com veemencia o instinto predador herdado dos animais, que continua sendo alimentado principalmente pelos que adquiriram maior poder financeiro ( se os obrtiveram e manteram esta riueza ndividual crescendo 'e porque estao dominados pelo instinto predador), pois este instinto desestabiliza toda a harmnia necessaria para o bom desenrolar da evolucao. os valores morais sugeridos pela matrix/DNA sao justamente contrarios a este instinto.
Bons insignts:
I think we should look not for current life but for "Libraries" that great civilizations will leave behind in face of extinction for any reason. It is the same idea as Egyptian and Maya pyramids and many other signs of past civilizations that disappeared. The "Libraries" are designed to be found and will exist for much longer time after its builders expired. Probably build on a cold rock far from exploding sun and other possible disruptors. It should have steady radio or laser beacon followed by great load of information describing its builders and what they learn about the universe. Its broadcasts are probably directional emitting most of its energy into the habitable areas of our galaxy. We are on the edge of the habitable zone in our galaxy and that is why these broadcasts are not targeted at us.
It is wrong! We must not search for "life", but for "evolved dynamic natural systems". The long evolutionary chain that arrived to galactic formations can splitting into ways that we can not grasp it, building offspring made included of soft rock, iron or other unknown element, able to reach intelligence and consciousness. While these researchers does not know the universal natural formula for natural systems ( at Matrix/DNA website), they can touch intelligent " life" without perceiving it. And we will be loosing money and our time.
That's my problem just now. The Matrix/DNA formula suggests how is the first process for astronomic systems formation ( like living cells, it was "symbiosis" after application over dark matter of f light waves printing the dynamics for life's cycles ). Then, like cells, astronomical systems learned how to self-recycling and reproducing themselves, but we still didn't get the process. That's why we can not design projected life forms for helping NSA to detect them.
The chances to any life form to survive is ruled by the natural law that first imposes the phase of " eggs out" - when the species are at risk, abandoned and by its own - and the next second phase as the " eggs keep in) - nurtured till maturity. it happened to the "life" in shape of biological systems at Earth, when, from bacteria to reptiles was the phase of egg out, which changed with te advent of mammals. It happened with astronomical bodies in the sky when was the formation of first generation of astronomical systems. Lots of species does not goes beyond the first phase, what diminishes the probability for alien intelligent life.
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Study: Maybe we can’t find aliens because they’ve all died already
As 7 diferentes dimensions causariam 7 tipos de seres inteligentes vivendo no mesmo espaço mas separados por dnsidade da substancia espaicial e difernctes dominancias de frequencias da luz.
Climate chamge: corpos/sistemas de primeira geracao tendo suas mudancas ambientais mais rapidas que os d segunda geracao.
lifeforms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable
nao. pode ter intleignetes natural systems feitos com outros materiais para os quais talvez carbono ou agua sejam vnenos mortais
our life-hunting robots and astronauts will have to look for fossilized microbes of the most primitive sort
mas sem o conhecimento da formula da Matrix/DNA para sistemas naturais, inteligentes ou nao, estarao procurando por "vida" tal como a conhecemos. Oa se estivessem programados para encontrar vida ( dimanicos corpos/sistemas naturais) ja teriam soado os alarmes ao se depararem com atomos e astros pois estes sao sistemas sao " vivos", obviamente nao inteligentes.
It's possible that Earth won some kind of massive cosmic lottery, and that we're the only life ever to have evolved in the whole wide universe.
As sugestoes da Matrix/DNA sao absurdas? Pois pessoas estao considerando sugestoes mais absurdas ainda como esta.
Segredo para uma vida inteligente evitar a auto-destruicao?
Quando um sistema natual alcanca o nivel evolutivoquecomeca a apresentar aut-conciencia, signfica quegenes universais que estavam inertes comecam a se expressarem. Este Universo e' uma espece deplacent onde esta ocorrendo um processo se reproducao do sistema desconhecido que gerou este universo, que deflagrou o ato fecundador chamad0 de Big bang. Se aqui esta emergindo a auto-consciencia, ito significa que aqule sistema possui esta propeiredade, e que os humnos sao genes construindoum sistema auto-consciente. Mas como estamos no inicio, a auto-consciencia aqui nem mesmo abriu seus olhos proprios para ver seu corpo, significa que estamos na fase da consciencia fetal ou emrionaria. Pode ocorrer aborto, quando os genes deixam de se expressarem aqui e agora, para se expressarem mais tarde. Ou pode ocorrer desvios de anatomia, por exemplo, se entrar-mos no Brave New World sob o Big Brother, no qual a robotizacao do humano interompe, aprisiona e desaticva o desenvolvimento do feto. O sefgredo e' conhercer-mos os prerigos no caminho para saber manter a mente livre sob desenolvimento e este conhecimento e' possivel pela Matrix/DNA Theory.
Para vencer o periodo que esta por vir nos temos que agora combarter com veemencia o instinto predador herdado dos animais, que continua sendo alimentado principalmente pelos que adquiriram maior poder financeiro ( se os obrtiveram e manteram esta riueza ndividual crescendo 'e porque estao dominados pelo instinto predador), pois este instinto desestabiliza toda a harmnia necessaria para o bom desenrolar da evolucao. os valores morais sugeridos pela matrix/DNA sao justamente contrarios a este instinto.
Bons insignts:
It is wrong! We must not search for "life", but for "evolved dynamic natural systems". The long evolutionary chain that arrived to galactic formations can splitting into ways that we can not grasp it, building offspring made included of soft rock, iron or other unknown element, able to reach intelligence and consciousness. While these researchers does not know the universal natural formula for natural systems ( at Matrix/DNA website), they can touch intelligent " life" without perceiving it. And we will be loosing money and our time.
That's my problem just now. The Matrix/DNA formula suggests how is the first process for astronomic systems formation ( like living cells, it was "symbiosis" after application over dark matter of f light waves printing the dynamics for life's cycles ). Then, like cells, astronomical systems learned how to self-recycling and reproducing themselves, but we still didn't get the process. That's why we can not design projected life forms for helping NSA to detect them.
The chances to any life form to survive is ruled by the natural law that first imposes the phase of " eggs out" - when the species are at risk, abandoned and by its own - and the next second phase as the " eggs keep in) - nurtured till maturity. it happened to the "life" in shape of biological systems at Earth, when, from bacteria to reptiles was the phase of egg out, which changed with te advent of mammals. It happened with astronomical bodies in the sky when was the formation of first generation of astronomical systems. Lots of species does not goes beyond the first phase, what diminishes the probability for alien intelligent life.
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