sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2016

Busca por vida extraterrestre e discussão no WP


Study: Maybe we can’t find aliens because they’ve all died already

As 7 diferentes dimensions causariam  7 tipos de seres inteligentes vivendo no mesmo espaço mas separados por dnsidade da substancia espaicial e difernctes dominancias de frequencias da luz.

Climate chamge: corpos/sistemas de primeira geracao tendo suas mudancas ambientais mais rapidas que os d segunda geracao.

lifeforms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable
nao. pode ter intleignetes natural systems feitos com outros materiais para os quais talvez carbono ou agua sejam vnenos mortais

our life-hunting robots and astronauts will have to look for fossilized microbes of the most primitive sort
mas sem o conhecimento da formula da Matrix/DNA para sistemas naturais, inteligentes ou nao, estarao procurando por "vida" tal como a conhecemos. Oa se estivessem programados para encontrar vida ( dimanicos corpos/sistemas naturais) ja teriam soado os alarmes ao se depararem com atomos e astros pois estes sao sistemas sao " vivos", obviamente nao inteligentes.

It's possible that Earth won some kind of massive cosmic lottery, and that we're the only life ever to have evolved in the whole wide universe. 
As sugestoes da Matrix/DNA sao absurdas? Pois pessoas estao considerando sugestoes mais absurdas ainda como esta.

Segredo para uma vida inteligente evitar a auto-destruicao?
Quando um sistema natual alcanca o nivel evolutivoquecomeca a apresentar aut-conciencia, signfica quegenes universais que estavam inertes comecam a se expressarem. Este Universo e' uma espece deplacent onde esta ocorrendo um processo se reproducao do sistema desconhecido que gerou este universo, que deflagrou o ato fecundador chamad0 de Big bang. Se aqui esta emergindo a auto-consciencia, ito significa que aqule sistema possui esta propeiredade, e que os humnos sao genes construindoum sistema auto-consciente. Mas como estamos no inicio, a auto-consciencia aqui nem mesmo abriu seus olhos proprios para ver seu corpo, significa que estamos na fase da consciencia fetal ou emrionaria. Pode ocorrer aborto, quando os genes deixam de se expressarem aqui e agora, para se expressarem mais tarde. Ou pode ocorrer desvios de anatomia, por exemplo, se entrar-mos no Brave New World sob o Big Brother, no qual a robotizacao do humano interompe, aprisiona e desaticva o desenvolvimento do feto. O sefgredo e' conhercer-mos os prerigos no caminho para saber manter a mente livre sob desenolvimento e este conhecimento e' possivel pela Matrix/DNA Theory.
Para vencer o periodo que esta por vir nos temos que agora combarter com veemencia o instinto predador herdado dos animais, que continua sendo alimentado principalmente pelos que adquiriram maior poder financeiro ( se os obrtiveram e manteram esta riueza ndividual crescendo 'e porque estao dominados pelo instinto predador), pois este instinto desestabiliza toda a harmnia necessaria para o bom desenrolar da evolucao.  os valores morais sugeridos pela matrix/DNA sao justamente contrarios a este instinto. 

Bons insignts:

3:18 PM EST
I think we should look not for current life but for "Libraries" that great civilizations will leave behind in face of extinction for any reason. It is the same idea as Egyptian and Maya pyramids and many other signs of past civilizations that disappeared. The "Libraries" are designed to be found and will exist for much longer time after its builders expired. Probably build on a cold rock far from exploding sun and other possible disruptors. It should have steady radio or laser beacon followed by great load of information describing its builders and what they learn about the universe. Its broadcasts are probably directional emitting most of its energy into the habitable areas of our galaxy. We are on the edge of the habitable zone in our galaxy and that is why these broadcasts are not targeted at us.

It is wrong! We must not search for "life", but for "evolved dynamic natural systems". The long evolutionary chain that arrived to galactic formations can splitting into ways that we can not grasp it, building offspring made included of soft rock, iron or other unknown element, able to reach intelligence and consciousness. While these researchers does not know the universal natural formula for natural systems ( at Matrix/DNA website), they can touch intelligent " life" without perceiving it. And we will be loosing money and our time.


That's my problem just now. The Matrix/DNA formula suggests how is the first process for astronomic systems formation ( like living cells, it was "symbiosis" after application over dark matter of f light waves printing the dynamics for life's cycles ). Then, like cells, astronomical systems learned how to self-recycling and reproducing themselves, but we still didn't get the process. That's why we can not design projected life forms for helping NSA to detect them. 


The chances to any life form to survive is ruled by the natural law that first imposes the phase of " eggs out" - when the species are at risk, abandoned and by its own - and the next second phase as the " eggs keep in) - nurtured till maturity. it happened to the "life" in shape of biological systems at Earth, when, from bacteria to reptiles was the phase of egg out, which changed with te advent of mammals. It happened with astronomical bodies in the sky when was the formation of first generation of astronomical systems. Lots of species does not goes beyond the first phase, what diminishes the probability for alien intelligent life.
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5:21 PM EST
Well we know for certain that earth won multiple lotteries, we're a very rare planet. First our solar system formed where planet systems could be stable and not fried with 
radiation, and also in clouds sufficiently rich in metals and minerals. Next we got hit 

by a planet just the right size at just the right angle to form our large Moon, which stabilizes our rotation and creates tides that help life develop in several ways. Also that collision also gave us an oversized iron core so that we held onto our protective magnetic field, which is essential to protect life that emerges onto the land, and it kept plate tectonics going through the present. The earth surface froze solid twice in the past and the only reason it thawed was plate tectonics. Obviously the authors know all this, these are some of the many factors that would cause any early life to remain very limited or die out perhaps most of the time.

Louis Charles Morelli

Louis Charles Morelli

5:53 PM EST

There are no "natural lotteries" , this is a human invention. Nature does not plays dice with its own creatures. There are " free will", include for non intelligent species, and wrong choices constitutes those mutations that seems to us to be random ( but they are not) and are not selected by natural evolution. This Universe is like a placenta, where is occurring a process of genetic/computational reproduction of the unknown natural systems that produced it, so, evolution is driven to a specific destiny.


6:08 PM EST

That is a very anthropocentric take. True, we only have our own planet and natural history as an example, but by the same token we only have this oneexample. To assume ours is the only possible or plausible path, is a case of extreme extrapolation and staggering tunnel vision.

So for instance, if life can emerge in deep subterranean or undersea environments, surface radiation and climate stability are irrelevant at least to existence of some kind of life. Next, we have lifeforms such as Dinococcus Radiodurans and other various archaea and amoebae, as well as multicellular animals like the tardigrades, that can not only withstand extremely harsh environments but even survive prolonged exposure to interplanetary space. Are stable and docile surface conditions more conducive to evolution, or to stagnation where significant innovation is spurred only by the occasional catastrophe that leads to mass extinctions? Can life evolve on satellite moons of giant planets, protected by the massive magnetic field of the giant and volcanically nurtured by the tidal heating of a moon's core? How much metallicity is really necessary for planetary systems to form - given that compact planets are being found around metal-poor stars far more frequently than originally expected? And so on...


6:24 PM EST

That's the Anthropic Principle, a teleological argument. (For example, Why is glass transparent? Because you can see through it!)

Louis Charles Morelli

7:22 PM EST

Maybe you and American Muse are right - the Matrix/DNA Theory could be a wrong anthropomorphic projection to universe's mystery. But, denying that biological systems could be created bu the same process that this Universe was created, can be, also, the anti-anthropomorphic wrong theory. There are several evidences pointing to the theory of " universal genetic reproduction". so, we will keep it under investigation.



Louis CLouis Charles Morelli

6:41 PM EST

And there are other possibilities for intelligent life outside, or even here, sharing this space with us. How about the eletro-magnetic intelligent being? Which was a branch of " life" that emerged wen the Universe was merely a stage of magnetic forces, before galactic formation?

We need considering the possibility that there are more dimensions than our perceived dimension - based on different density of matter/energy. Like insects has the antenna for grasping something of earth magnetic field ( and that antenna was loose in evolution, today is our small pineal gland), it is possible that this invisible dimension of magnetic forces is a very complex world, included populated by intelligent life forms. As we can not perceive tem, they can not perceive us also, even sharing the same space..What about the purgatory and its " spirits"? A very distorted and anthropomorphized human unconscious perception of another dimension?harles Morelli

us beings, then, we are 8 billions genes building soe part of the final baby to be reproduced buy the Universe. and they should have interest to protect us because they does not want to be part of a handcaped baby. its like said Austriak, the command-in-chief of the Milk Way Emperor ' spaceships around us: we came here for fixing something at the magnetic field of this planet that was threating yours life" - in 1980 when people around the globe saw UFOS and a Brazilian woman receipt this message ( ok, I don't believe in that, although I saw also those balls in the sky, but it is possible)


Louis Charles Morelli

6:24 PM EST

We could call human species as " Lucifer"or "demon" because we still have the selfish gene inherited from our primitive ancestor called Milk Way which choose to be a closed system and then, going out from the universe's destiny. That galactic event is encrypted as memory into our genes and sometimes some people has flashes of memory remembering it, then, the mystic accounts like those in Bible. Of course Job could not know anything about celestial conventions, journalists at that time were not such evolved. But humans has the tendency to phantasie those flashes of memories which are not comprehensible to them.

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7:07 PM EST

OMG! The Global Cooling, no wait, Global Warming, no wait, Global Climate Change people are now trying to link Extraterrestrial demise to climate change?????? Wow, I guess we should have had an Extraterrestrial Paris Climate Change Summit long ago so we could have sent hard earned tax payer money to outer space. Just think of the aliens we could have saved with a carbon offset tax. Sadly the Earth Bound Climatologists are simply transferring wealth away from taxpayers and the money transfer won't save a single iceberg from melting. We should have just loaded up a spacecraft full of our national debt and launched it into orbit. This is the lefties method of debt reduction. Sorry for the rant, but sometimes I can't even believe what I'm reading.

Louis Charles Morelli

7:51 PM EST

What are you talking about? Where came the natural phenomena called "anti-bodies", and imune systems? They were invented by the stupid matter of this planet? Or they were created by a supernatural God? No, they came from forces existing in this astronomic system, so, this system must have a thermodynamic equilibrium point. Any perturbation triggers forces against the perturbation. So, yes, alien life forms could not exist due their action over its places. But, these systems are under a dynamic process, so, planets are being transformed, changing every day like human bodies. Then, climate disasters can be natural caused also. The key for success of any species is to be wise for taking the opportunity while it has time, and then, moving to another planet.



1/23/2016 12:16 AM EST [Edited]

How intelligent is a life form that creates, tests and deploys nuclear weapons, nerve gas, mustard gas, greenhouse gas, ICBM's, aircraft carriers, toxic chemicals from giant smoke stacks, toluene, benzine,various highly caustic and carcinogenic chemicals. Polutes its only home planet and shoots hundreds of millions of wild birds and animals each year. An intelligent life form that cuts down the planets forests, creates a planetary wildlife extinction event, thinks zoos can prevent extinctions , cuts off members of its own species heads in accordence to religious beliefs, has wars with millions of casualties on a regular basis, eats radium as an health food, canned with lead, genetically modifies its food, consumes all available natural resources within a few millennia... etc etc.. We are ignorant barbarians not the crown jewel of the intelligent universe.

Louis Charles Morelli

2:51 AM EST [Edited]

What do you want?! This biosphere is made off of free blind radicals which are products of the chaotic state of Nature due entropy attacking our ordered state creator that is this astronomic system. We are sons of chaos. What else should one wait from such creatures?

But, human species, due the cave creating the familiar system and the emotions, love, resulting from this creation, we reached the optimum state for to be the hosts and developers of a new shape of natural system, called " counciousness". That was the greater job we did.

Consciousness still is at its embryogenetic process, so, it is under the evolutionary phase of "eggs out", when the creature is at its own risk, abandoned, blind, with no guide for which way to follow.

The most important things we need to know now is:

1) To exorcise from our genetics the inheritance from our non-rational ancestors about the wild division between big, medium predators and preys. All social system we created till now, included this wild capitalism, are based on the rules of the jungle, with high, medium and low class. We need fighting these instincts out from our behaviors;

2) To exorcize from our genetics the tendency inherited from our creators going to extinction due a wrong choice: to be closed system in itself. Their internal anatomy is their paradise, the most perfect machine, described by Newtonian mechanics and something from general relativity Translating this system into human social system is the Brave New World of Huxley under the Big Mother/Queen, as the Orwell's big brother. If we reach this state, the consciousness embryo will be premature aborted and as slave, maybe disappering from here. We need nurturing and keeping the human mind free, autonomous, for, after reaching the comfortable state at home, having the wish and freedom for its cosmic adventure. As closed system we will not leave from here till this planet's transformations that will kill all life here.

We still have an opportunity.


What do you want?! This biosphere is made off of free blind radicals which are products of the chaotic state of Nature due entropy attacking our ordered state creator that is this astronomic system. We are sons of chaos. What else should one wait from such creatures?

But, human species, due the cave creating the familiar system and the emotions, love, resulting from this creation,we reached the optimum state for to be the hosts and developers of a new shape of natural system, called " counciousness". That was the greater job we did. 

Consciousness still is at its embryogenetic process, so, it is under the evolutionary phase of "eggs out", when the creature is at its own risk, abandoned, blind, with no guide for which way to follow.  

The most important things we need to know now is: 
1) To exorcise from our genetics the inheritance from our non-rational ancestors about the wild division between big, medium predators and preys. All social system we created till now, included this wild capitalism, are based on the rules of the jungle, with high, medium and low class. We need fighting these instincts out from our behaviors; 
2) To exorcize from our genetics the tendency inherited from our creators going to extinction due a wrong choice: to be closed system in itself. Their internal anatomy is their paradise, the most perfect machine, described by Newtonian mechanics and something from general relativity Translating this system into human social system is the Brave New World of Huxley under the Big Mother/Queen, as the Orwell's big brother. If we reach this state, the consciousness embryo will be premature aborted and as slave, maybe disappering from here. We need nurturing and keeping the human mind free, autonomous, for, after reaching the comfortable state at home, having the wish and freedom for its cosmic adventure. As closed system we will not leave from here till this planet's transformations that will kill all life here.  
We still have an opportunity.


The fractal world could suggests the best method for discovering alien life and constacting intelligent aliens. The Universe is the biggest fractal and biological DNA is the last produced unity of this fractal. So, look to the DNA, you have a mittor of the Universe.

Then, the junk DNA means the regions of the universe that nas no biological function. It is something between 20% to 80%.  


There are 20.000 intelligent aliens species but the most vast Universe is Junk-Universe ( pay attemption: I am the first to create this name "junk-universe") But... where I got this number from? Suggestions from my Matrix/DNA Theory.

1) The whole universe is projected into its final creation here and now: the DNA.

2) DNA has vast regions of junk-DNA ( 20% in prokaryotes and maybe 80 % in humans). A number between 20 and 80%. So, till 80% of the Universe has no life at all;

3) DNA has regions with chemical activity but not biological function ( maybe between 20 and 30% ). This is the number of regions of the Universe with astros inside the habitable zones, where we can find chemical activity, like those amino-acids found in comets, meteors. But no life yet.

4) DNA - at least of human beings - has 30.000 introns+genes that could performing biological function, but are not active code protein genes. So, the Universe must have 30.000 astronomical bodies with biological life, but not intelligent yet.

5) DNA - at least the human DNA - has 20.000 actives genes. So, in the Universe must have 20... astronomical bodies with intelligent life.

6) But... in the junk DNA plus introns there are texts performing the functions like epigenetics, or for transcriptions factors. So, in the vast sidereal space must have elements that works as mirrors that refletes signals of inter-communications among intelligent aliens located at vast distance from one to other. We need finding these elements ( what about the Einstein's worm-holes?)

Welcome to te fractal universe, a universe composed by living fractals where the universe is the biggest fractal and a DNA unit of information, a lateral base-pair of nucleotides, is the smallest fractal.

I am sure that I deserve the Nobel Prize because my theory could be totally wrong. Since we will have a positive material Nobel Prize for the creator of The Right Theory of Everything Made off by Matter, we must have the negative anti-matter Nobel Prize for the creator of The Theory of Everything Wrong, because then, this will be the right theory describing the parallel universe made off anti-matter. Ok, sorry, I will stop here because I am seeing here that I drunk three beers and I am writing bulshit... sorry.


Existem no Universo 20.000 especies de vida inteligente mas a maior parte do vasto Universo e' Junk-Universe. ( pay attenption: I am the first to createtjis name - Junk Universe. I want the Nobel!)

Well... these suggestions emerges from calculations of Matrix/DNA Theory models and the Matrix's formula. Desde que a teoria elaborou um nov modelo para sistemas astronomicos como as galaxias , no qual galaxias posuem uma superficial camada de organizacao biologica da materia, e assim as propriedades da vida na Terra sao  meras copias nanotecnologizadas das propriedades do Cosmos. Em outras palavras, welcome to the fractal universe.

Neste sentido, o DNA, como a ultima mais evoluida producao do Universo 'e apenas um fractal vivo copia do inteiro universo. Entao agora 'e possivel sugerir as seguintes ideias:

No Universo existem regioes com astros em zonas habitaveis mas sem vida, outros destes tem vida mas nao sao inteligentes ainda, outras regioes tem vida inteligente. Exise ainda no Universo um elemento quase-vivo que serve tde espelho reflector, ou receptor/emissor desinais que possibilitam a intercomunicacao de inteligentes emntre distantes espacos.  

1) No DNA existem eregioes com funcao biologica e atividade quimica, regioes apenas com atividade quimica sem funcao biologica, e regioes de junk DNA.

 existe um elemento no espaco sideral que serve de espelho para refletir inter-comunicacaoes entre aliens de distants estrelas, uma especie de natural station receptor, emissor, genetic regulatory proteins such as transcription factors - much of the apparent junk DNA is involved in epigenetic regulation and appears to be necessary for the development of complex organisms 

muitos aliens nao entram em contacto com ninguem porque apesar de terem sido antes inteligentes,eles cairam no modo de vida descrito por Huxley como " The Brave New World" under the Orwellian Big Brother, entao fizeram seu paraiso fechado e nao possuem mais mentalidade para serem curiosos e investigarem o espaco sideral. W. Ford Doolittle and Carmen Sapienza in 1980 wrote in the journal Nature: "When a given DNA, or class of DNAs, of unproven phenotypic function can be shown to have evolved a strategy (such as transposition) which ensures its genomic survival, then no other explanation for its existence is necessary

20% of a typical prokaryotegenome is noncoding

-    it was originally suggested that o . ver 98% of the human genome is noncoding,, but the ENCODE Project suggests that 80%  of the human genome is biochemically active.  -  that at least 80% of human genomic DNA has biochemical activity 

When there is much non-coding DNA, a large proportion appears to have no biological function for the organism

-While overall genome size, and by extension the amount of noncoding DNA,

,some scientists criticized the conclusion for conflating biochemical activity with biological function

Most of the genome size difference appears to lie in the noncoding DNA

Promoters facilitate the transcription of a particular gene and are typically upstream of the coding region. Enhancer sequences may also exert very distant effects on the transcription levels of genes

Introns are non-coding sections of a gene, transcribed into the precursor mRNA sequence, but ultimately removed by RNA splicing during the processing to mature messenger RNA. Many introns appear to be mobile genetic elements.[22]
Studies of group I introns from Tetrahymena protozoans indicate that some introns appear to be selfish genetic elements, neutral to the host because they remove themselves from flanking exons during RNA processing and do not produce an expression bias between alleles with and without the intron

Pseudogenes are DNA sequences, related to known genes, that have lost their protein-coding ability or are otherwise no longer expressed in the cell.While Dollo's Law suggests that the loss of function in pseudogenes is likely permanent, silenced genes may actually retain function for several million years and can be "reactivated" into protein-coding sequences

This prediction remains robust, with the human genome containing approximately 20,000 genes

"junk DNA" remains a label for the portions of a genome sequence for which no discernible function has been identified

"When a given DNA, or class of DNAs, of unproven phenotypic function can be shown to have evolved a strategy (such as transposition) which ensures its genomic survival, then no other explanation for its existence is necessary

functional elements

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