segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Morosidade do Serviço Publico na Arabia versus Dinâmica Ocidental: Causas


Uma irlandesa vai trabalhar como professora na Arabia e irrita-se com a morosidade do serviço publico. Funcionários deixam pessoas esperando e saem 5 vezes ao dia para rezarem! Ela publicou o artigo com link abaixo e um islâmico perguntou: " If the prayer calls and Ramadan bothers you, then why are you living in a country where the majority of the population practice Islam?" ( Se as rezas e o Ramadan perturba voce, porque estas vivendo num pais onde a maioria e' islâmica?")

Eu nao resisti a entrar na briga e registrei o seguinte comentário que vai copiado abaixo:

Luxury Meets Lethargy—Welcome To The Emirates

Louis Charles Morelli · 
Works at Self employed
She goes after the money. Her Irish dynamics is more accelerated than the dynamics of a population that practice the Islam, then, she is suffering. But, why the money is there? It is a Irish, a Western money, because only accelerated dynamics produces things more than one needs for him/herself, things that becomes money, things that goes to others using it. The money goes for buying oil, so, the Western needs to found alternative energy, for keeping the money with its people. Doing that, things and money will not go to this population anymore, without this population also accelerating its dynamics for producing something that the Western need.

The wrong thing with Western is that there are big predators among the people, that made this model "oil-based" for their predator's profit, and its general population - as lethargic preys - that permites it. And the motor that keeps the Western population in a state of lethargic preys is another religion, Jewish-based. Religions are the predators' created virtual culture, a kind of Matrix. And this Matrix will be expelled from the Western by new world views, as the one called "The Universal Matrix/DNA". The preys will not be preys anymore and will wake up that needs investing all its energy for changing this oil/based model. Then, this Irish woman will not suffer in her life due virtual ghost gods used as a man-made Matrix. I am telling this here, because in my world without man-made gods, and without the animals' inherited jungle/desert wild rules ( the division into big predators, medium predators and preys),everyone is free for expressing his/her opinion.

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